Well it's week one of the Contest and the challenge this week is to design a scrapbook kit with a Dr. Suess theme.
No CU products are allowed in any of these challenges.
We had one team member not show up so my team is only two members but I got a great partner and we are certainly going to have our fabulous Suess kit done by the deadline of Thursday midnight (pst).
We get a chance at winning immunity with the Immunity Reward Challenge that the public gets to vote on.
The challenge was for each team member to design an alpha with a beach theme (using no cu products but the actual font),
I am on the ORANGE team and here is a preview on our alphas:
Please vote for my ORANGE team.
Voting is here on the blog:
http://designersurvivor09.blogspot.com/All of the alphas can be downloaded at the Brownie Scraps forum here:
http://www.browniescraps.com/gallery/showphoto.php?photo=11729Thanks so much.