We had to wait until Sunday to get back to Salem but that worked out just fine.
Met my boys at the house and got the rest of my things from the house.
My Kenn was a member of the local Faceters Guild and had a love for rocks so we had a whole outbuilding full of rocks. Even though I supported his desire to be a rockhound, I didn't share his passion for the hobby. So that left us with a bunch of rock to deal with. Fortunately my brother in law knew somebody who was interested in all those rocks. They met us on Sunday and it took them the better part of the day to go through all the rocks but they took them all.
As it turns out, they are members of the local Faceters Guild here in Eugene and they have a rock identifying program for the schools. I'm sure Kenn would be very happy to know that his rock is going to be helping so many kids.
While my aunt stayed at the house and cleaned out the garage, myself, my boys, and my other aunt went over to the storage place and cleaned out the big one. It wasn't as hard to go through as I thought it was going to be but I'm sure that's because of all the help I had. Kenn's mom called while we were cleaning it out and she encouraged me and made plans to come up this weekend to visit.
I just can't stress enough how important it is to let your family know how much you love them and to thank them for what they do.
If your family has helped you at all during your life, this would be a great time to let them know how much you appreciate them.
I feel that I would be lost without my family and I am so grateful that God has blessed me with such wonderful family members.
Hug one of your family members for me.
I love you all,