Well the final week in the Designer Survivor Contest at Brownie Scraps is this week.
Since I got voted off the island in the last tribal council, I won't be competing this week but I'll let you know when they post the freebies.
We made a last-of-the-summer camping trip last week and I only had dial-up internet access which is why I couldn't post here about the week. I really feel for those who have dial-up internet as their main internet access. It's slower than grampa turtle.
Anyway, now that I'm home I'm going to post links to my contest entries right here so if you missed them, you can pick them up.
These links will be good for the rest of this month.
Keep a lookout over the next couple of days and as I sort out my parts, I'll post them here plus I'll post some extra freebies made along the way..
Thanks for all your votes and support.