I know I don't use this blog for personal info but I've been tagging, tut writing and scrap making for over 2 years now and have come to know many of you as family.
And I am proud to have you as my family and appreciate that so many of you have sent some much needed positive thought and prayers my way in my time of need.
My Kenn, whom I was with for 18 years, passed away on Oct 13th.
My heart broke when I lost him, but Kenn's family and my family have been here for me every step of the way.
I love them all so very much and Thank God for giving each one of them to me.
Hug a family member and tell them you love them because they are all gifts from God.
I am losing my house that we have lived in for 10 years but have wonderful family members who are taking me in because I have a hard time making small decisions right now let alone the big ones.
Where I am moving to is 100 miles away so this move will involve storage units and carrying many trips from here to my new home.
I appreciate the offer that I have received from several of you about helping out and since I am going to be able to keep my coinmagnate@comcast.net email address, you can use this address to send any donations to me thru Paypal.
Please don't feel obligated to send money but please do keep me and my son in your thoughts and prayers.
This is something I never thought I'd be going through and now that it is thrust upon me, I hardly have time to breathe between all the decisions having to be made so I really appreciate all the positive energy and prayers being sent my way.
Remember that our time on this earth is sometimes shorter than we expect so don't take things for granted and make sure your affairs are in order because only God knows when it will be our time to leave this earth.
I love you all,